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Publications as of 2024


Publications and Journal Covers
Publications and Journal Covers

Organoid co-culture model of the cycling human endometrium in a fully-defined synthetic extracellular matrix reveals epithelial-stromal crosstalk

Aug 2023 - Med 4: 554-579

Gnecco J, Brown A, Buttrey K, Ives C, Goods B, Baugh L, Hernandez-Gordillo V, Loring M, Isaacson K, Griffith L

Roadmap on biomaterials for women’s health.

Jan 2023 - JPhys Materials - 6(1)

Fogg K, Tseng NH, Peyton SR, Holeman P, Mc Loughlin S, Fisher JP, Sutton A, Shikanov A, Gnecco JS, Knight KM, Slaby EM, Weaver JD, Hashemi NN, Zhang Y, House MD, Vogt BJ, Aguado BA, Bradford JC, Robinson JL, Thomas PK, Lau AG, Oyen ML

Integrating endometrial proteomic and single cell transcriptomic pipelines reveals distinct menstrual cycle and endometriosis-associated molecular profiles

Feb 2022- medRxiv 2022.01.29.22269829

Baugh L, Goods B, Gnecco J, Tzouanas C, Rechtin M, Bae Y, Loring M, Isaacson K, Lauffenburger D, Shalek A, Griffith L

Unifying Experimental Endometriosis Models to Improve Translational Relevance

2022 - American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) - Scientific Congress & Expo

K Bruner-Tran, JS Gnecco, SA Missmer

Fully synthetic matrices for in vitro culture of primary human intestinal enteroids and endometrial organoids

Sep 2020 - Biomaterials - 254

Hernandez-Gordillo V, Kassis T, Lampejo A, Choi GH, Gamboa ME, Gnecco JS, Brown A, Breault DT, Carrier R, Griffith LG

Fetal Membrane Organ-On-Chip: An Innovative Approach to Study Cellular Interactions

Aug 2020 - Reproductive Sciences - 27(8):1562-1569

Richardson L, Gnecco J, Ding T, Osteen K, Rogers LM, Aronoff DM, Menon R

Physiomimetic Models of Adenomyosis

May 2020 - Seminars in Reproductive Medicine - 38(2-3):179-196

Gnecco JS, Brown AT, Kan EL, Baugh L, Ives C, Loring M, Griffith LG

Human monocyte transcriptional profiling identifies IL-18 receptor accessory protein and lactoferrin as novel immune targets in hypertension

Jun 2019 - British Journal of Pharmacology - 176(12):2015-2027

Alexander MR, Norlander AE, Elijovich F, Atreya RV, Gaye A, Gnecco JS, Laffer CL, Galindo CL, Madhur MS

Hemodynamic forces enhance decidualization via endothelial-derived prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin in a microfluidic model of the human endometrium

1 Apr 2019 - Human Reproduction - 34(4):702-714

Gnecco JS, Ding T, Smith C, Lu J, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG

Decidual stromal cell-derived PGE<inf>2</inf> regulates macrophage responses to microbial threat

1 Oct 2018 - American Journal of Reproductive Immunology - 80(4)

Rogers LM, Anders AP, Doster RS, Gill EA, Gnecco JS, Holley JM, Randis TM, Ratner AJ, Gaddy JA, Osteen K, Aronoff DM

Hypertension and increased endothelial mechanical stretch promote monocyte differentiation and activation: Roles of STAT3, interleukin 6 and hydrogen peroxide

1 Sep 2018 - Cardiovascular Research - 114(11):1547-1563

Loperena R, Van Beusecum JP, Itani HA, Engel N, Laroumanie F, Xiao L, Elijovich F, Laffer CL, Gnecco JS, Noonan J, Maffia P, Jasiewicz-Honkisz B, Czesnikiewicz-Guzik M, Mikolajczyk T, Sliwa T, Dikalov S, Weyand CM, Guzik TJ, Harrison DG

Identification of an Inflammatory Monocyte Transcriptional Profile and Potential Novel Role for Lactotransferrin in Human Hypertension

Apr 2018 - The FASEB Journal - 32(S1):870.10 - Wiley

Alexander M, Norlander A, Galindo C, Elijovich F, Laffer C, Gnecco J, Madhur M

Compartmentalized Culture of Perivascular Stroma and Endothelial Cells in a Microfluidic Model of the Human Endometrium

1 Jul 2017 - Annals of Biomedical Engineering - 45(7):1758-1769

Gnecco JS, Pensabene V, Li DJ, Ding T, Hui EE, Bruner-Tran KL, Osteen KG

Exposure to the environmental endocrine disruptor TCDD and human reproductive dysfunction: Translating lessons from murine models

1 Mar 2017 - Reproductive Toxicology - 68:59-71

Bruner-Tran KL, Gnecco J, Ding T, Glore DR, Pensabene V, Osteen KG

Instrumenting a fetal membrane on a chip as emerging technology for preterm birth research

1 Jan 2017 - Current Pharmaceutical Design - 23(40):6115-6124

Gnecco JS, Anders AP, Cliffel D, Pensabene V, Rogers LM, Osteen K, Aronoff DM

Ultrathin Polymer Membranes with Patterned, Micrometric Pores for Organs-on-Chips

31 Aug 2016 - ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces - 8(34):22629-22636

Pensabene V, Costa L, Terekhov AY, Gnecco JS, Wikswo JP, Hofmeister WH

Interleukin-17A Regulates Renal Sodium Transporters and Renal Injury in Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension

1 Jul 2016 - Hypertension - 68(1):167-174

Norlander AE, Saleh MA, Kamat NV, Ko B, Gnecco J, Zhu L, Dale BL, Iwakura Y, Hoover RS, McDonough AA, Madhur MS

Abstract 101: Interleukin 17A Upregulates Both Renal Proximal and Distal Tubule Sodium Transporters in Angiotensin II-dependent Hypertension

Sep 2015 - Hypertension - 66(suppl_1) - Wolters Kluwer

Norlander AE, Kamat N, Ko B, Kirabo A, Gnecco J, Saleh MA, Hoover RS, McDonough A, Madhur MS

Interleukin 17A regulates salt and water retention through modulation of renal proximal and distal tubule sodium transporters

Apr 2015 - International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention - 9(4):e81 - Elsevier

Norlander A, Kamat N, Ko B, Kirabo A, Gnecco J, Saleh M, Hoover R, Harrison D, McDonough A, Madhur M

Abstract 004: Interleukin 17a Regulates Salt And Water Retention Through Enhanced Sgk1 And Nhe3 Expression In The Renal Proximal Tubule

Sep 2014 - Hypertension - 64(suppl_1) - Wolters Kluwer

Norlander AE, Kirabo A, Gnecco J, Kamat N, Saleh MA, McDonough A, Harrison DG, Madhur MS

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